Children’s screen time should be limited

Photo from CNN: Screen time can have many detrimental effects on kids.

By Jan Brito ’25

Technology has become more important than it was in the past and it is increasingly used and necessary in today’s society. Almost every industry is incorporating technology to make their daily operations more efficient. Most children in today’s society have iPads and other devices depending on their economic circumstances.

When I was a child, technology was on the rise and I remember my cousins and I having tablets. My mother got me my first phone at the age of eight or nine. I remember feeling so cool because most of the children my age didn’t have phones. Nowadays, children have phones coming out of the womb. I understand that with time comes change, but is this a change for the better?

 In my days, my cousins and I would get so excited to play at a park or even in the backyard, but now children are more excited about playing on their ipads. Children aren’t as active as they were before. With technology present today, children don’t see a need to play in person with other children. With children not playing in parks or running around with children, their health is getting worse. 

I visited my aunt a few days ago and while I was talking to my aunt my six year old cousin interrupted us to ask his mom to buy Robux (money you can use on the app “Roblox”). Today children seem to live in a digital world. They value things you can buy on an app rather than buying real life things like toys or clothes. Digital money for a game seemed so bizarre to me, and the worst thing is that children can buy things online without their parents knowing. 

Technology is also leaving children without the skill of communication. I asked my cousin if he wanted to play on the trampoline with the neighbor’s children. He told me he was already playing with them on his iPad. With technology taking away the need for children to socialize in person, children are becoming more introverted and shy. According to Yellow Brick Road, children need social interaction to learn, develop, and grow from being around others and having social experiences.  I was at a social gathering with my family, including my six-year-old cousin, and while we were all talking, my cousin was on his iPad. Depressing.

With children using technology, there is more to worry about for parents. When I was a child, my mother’s only worry would be that I was in close proximity to her while at the park. Now that children have access to technology, they also have access to the internet, and we all know the type of things you can find on the internet. The things meant for adults can affect children’s minds negatively.

Does this mean children shouldn’t have technology? Not at all. While technology in excess is not good for children’s eyesight, interaction skills, or mental health, technology does have some good effects on children. The other day, I couldn’t figure out something on my phone and my six-year-old cousin helped me solve the problem I was having. The key is to give children a safe amount of time on technology and observe what the child is doing on their device.