Is it really a senior lounge? Or is it a student lounge?

By Sophia Brunetti ’23

Many high schools have an area in the building specifically designated for seniors and upperclassmen. We are all familiar with the senior lounge found in the Commons of Derby High School. It was a ‘donation’ by the graduating classes of 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012, a place that is meant for seniors to use during their study halls, late/early arrival, and whenever they want to do work in a place that isn’t the classroom. It’s something that every senior looks forward to using upon reaching their 12th-grade year. 

Yet, is it really just the senior class who uses it? From the perspective of the ‘23 class, that is not entirely the case. In our school, the senior lounge is not just used by seniors; not including when underclassmen sit there during lunch waves. They also sit there during their classes playing board games, and using it as if it is an ‘underclassmen lounge.’ A lot of the graduating class of ‘23 feel the same way as I do regarding this problem. When asked the question: “How do you feel about underclassmen using the senior lounge (when it is not lunchtime),” most of the answers have been similar. 

One senior said, “I feel like the senior lounge should be only allowed to the kids who are going to graduate at the end of the year, plain and simple as that.” Similarly, another commented, “It’s extremely frustrating and it removes the purpose of it being a senior-only lounge.” Another senior echoed, “It’s honestly really annoying as it shows a lack of respect for the upperclassmen; the senior lounge is a privilege that is earned by, well, reaching your senior year. If it was open to anybody then the name would be different. Enforcing the senior-only rule and having students clean up after themselves would be a good improvement. The amount of times I have seen underclassmen in there using the board games and not picking up after is ridiculous. The blame gets pushed onto us seniors when in reality it is not our doing.”

If you asked some of the seniors in the class of 2023 about improvements that could be made, most of the answers are relatively the same, too. Seniors want the administration to finish adding the furniture that was promised to us and all around just making it a more comfortable space. It is called a ‘lounge’ after all. A student has even brought up the idea of doing a “senior spotlight,” in which the administration (and maybe even the students) highlight a senior each week, or month, for the work they have done so that way we have more accomplishments to put on our resumes for college and for work.

A senior lounge is a place in the school designated for seniors, and those who are going to graduate that year. It is classed as a “senior privilege,” but is it really a privilege if underclassmen are able to use it without consequences?