My crazy family made for an unforgettable Christmas

Photo by Aeriana Smith ’25: A very decorated Christmas tree by muah.

By Aeriana Smith ’25

My family Christmas has to be a four out of five experience because although it was memorable, the chaos was a little overwhelming.

I am not sure how other families run their Christmas, but mine sure was eventful! It all started when we decided to have a big family sleepover at my aunt’s house on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas morning began with my little cousins waking up at the crack of dawn, trying to get us up to open presents. But that was ABSOLUTELY not happening after we were all up late on Christmas Eve… Finally, around 10AM, we all woke up and the younger kids were for sure ready. My parents and aunt, without a doubt, went all out for us this year. Although my aunt’s terrible selection of Christmas music could have used some improvement, it did bring some comedic relief while we opened presents. Us kids were definitely satisfied with all of our amazing gifts that brought us so much excitement and joy! 

Photo by Amanda Begnoche: Opening one of my favorite makeup palettes from Christmas.

Shortly after we opened presents, my family decided to do some wild family activities and go polar plunging (where you dive into freezing cold water just because… well, actually, I have no idea why people do this…) I was absolutely dreading it the whole way there. However, my mom convinced me and my cousins that if we did it, we would make an easy $20. So we jumped in, all freezing to death. We asked my mom where our $20 was and it turns out she lied just to get us to jump in and said she already spent enough on Christmas gifts. Insane…

Photo by Rebecca Begnoche: Me and my mother freezing and hugging each other after polar plunging

After we got changed and warmed up, my cousins and I played basketball with the new basketball hoop they got for Christmas. I am not a huge basketball player, but I must say I was learning pretty quickly. My older cousin and I were schooling my little cousins. Shortly after, we had an amazing big breakfast filled with seasoned eggs, crispy bacon, fluffy waffles, and refreshing cranberry and orange juice. We were all stuffed and tired after that delicious meal, so the rest of the day consisted of watching Christmas movies, playing basketball, kids doing silly activities and enjoying quality time together. 

Photo by Rebecca Begnoche: My little cousin was being silly and ended up falling in the wrapping paper bin.

Later on, we all sat together at the crowded dining room table and enjoyed the delicious feast my family members all put together consisting of baked mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, corn, green beans, and prime rib. For dessert, we had all different sorts of delicious baked cookies and peppermint ice cream, making us feel extra festive. 

After having this wonderful, exquisite feast, everyone was ready to relax and half of the adults were already passed out. Though that did not stop us! My parents, aunt, cousin, and I played out-of-pocket card games that the little kids were upset they could not participate in. However, later on, the entire house was included in playing manhunt and it sure was eventful. Including my dad trying to call our phones and rat out our hiding spots to save himself! Us kids scared the absolute crap out of all of the adults, and everyone played a part in having a creative hiding spot. I hid behind the TV with the curtain covering me, my cousin hid inside of the shower curtains, my dad hid inside of the couch, and eventually we all calmed down, ate a bunch of yummy snacks and desserts, and watched Christmas movies until we all knocked out together in a comfy pile on the big couch. 

Though the day was chaotic at some points, I still had such a memorable and fulfilling experience. That is a wrap on how my family Christmas went. I wonder how next years’ will top it?! To be continued…