Don’t judge a bill by its cover: liberals overreacting to Florida law

Photo courtesy of EdWeek: Protestors demonstrate their discontent with the recent Florida bill. By Vincent Trinh '25 With the passing of the “Don’t Say Gay” laws in Florida, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called it a major win. However, was this a victory for the supporters of the bill or the LGBTQ advocates? I’ve been … Continue reading Don’t judge a bill by its cover: liberals overreacting to Florida law

The government should give more support to the homeless

Image from Regeneration Outreach: A man who’s homeless seeking kindness and help. By Jaylynn Donaldson '25 According to, around 653,104 people are experiencing homelessness in America. This means there are 653,104 people without a bed to sleep in, without proper clothing, without access to proper hygiene, and without other necessities. People need to survive … Continue reading The government should give more support to the homeless

The US Government should increase spending on public transportation

Image courtesy of CT Mirror: Some of Connecticut’s public transportation.  By Horatio Glover '26 Imagine a world in which we bring down obesity rates, boost the economy, and improve public transportation experiences while doing it all in a eco-friendly way. This dream can come to reality; with the right support of the US Government, we … Continue reading The US Government should increase spending on public transportation

Is it fair for transgender athletes to compete against the opposite biological sex?

Photo courtesy of Competiters upset with the outcome of the national championship swim meet. By Xa'riyah Mitchell 25' The talk about whether or not transgender people should be allowed to compete against athletes of the opposite sex is very controversial.  This conversation touches on deeply held beliefs about gender identity, fairness in competition, and … Continue reading Is it fair for transgender athletes to compete against the opposite biological sex?

The fight against guns in schools and arming staff is foreboding

Image courtesy of Education Week: The defense against guns in schools continues with the discussion over arming teachers. By Gianna Akter '25 On Tuesday, April 22, 2024, the Tennessee legislature passed a bill allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons into school (with administrative permission) to prevent school shootings and gun violence from rising. According to … Continue reading The fight against guns in schools and arming staff is foreboding