NHS hosts Derby High School’s first game show: Family Feud style!

Photos from Derby High School Twitter: Fun-loving participants an winners! By Sophia Brunetti '23 Derby High School recently hosted its first Family Feud-style show on March 16th, 2023. It was held from 6-8 PM in the high school's auditorium.  Multiple teams participated in this competition, running against other groups and teachers. Each ticket to participate … Continue reading NHS hosts Derby High School’s first game show: Family Feud style!

Rescheduled college fair leads to high attendance of 29 colleges

Photo by Mekhi Wright '23: Most of the colleges present at the fair gave "swag" like these pens. Derby High School held its annual college fair on November 30, 2022. The college fair happens annually because it gives an opportunity for seniors to hear what college representatives have to offer from their school, but this … Continue reading Rescheduled college fair leads to high attendance of 29 colleges

Thanksgiving pep rally stirs up rivalry between staff and students

Image from fg-a.com: DHS celebrated Thanksgiving with a pep rally. By Azariah Smith '23 DHS kicked off their 2022 Thanksgiving break with a raucous staff vs. students pep rally in the gymnasium. Staff wore red and the students wore black.  Every year, DHS does a staff vs. students pep rally, and every year the staff … Continue reading Thanksgiving pep rally stirs up rivalry between staff and students

Contestants impress audience during fifth annual lip sync battle at DHS

Photo from @MaskedRedRaider on Twitter: Fifth annual lip sync battle winners Gio Vicens '23 and Jermaine Higgs '23 By Azariah Smith '23 On Thursday, November 18, 2022 DHS had its 5th annual lip sync battle with 13 performing groups. The grand prize was $500, the biggest prize yet! The auditorium was filled with students and … Continue reading Contestants impress audience during fifth annual lip sync battle at DHS

Introducing The Raider Press: Derby High School’s newspaper, revived

Photo by Raelynn Harris '25: The journalism class edits articles in preparation for publishing. By Raelynn Harris '25 After many years, Derby High School is introducing a new newspaper. The newspaper is written by students for DHS to give online updates on seasonal happenings in school and sports. It is a place for student voices … Continue reading Introducing The Raider Press: Derby High School’s newspaper, revived

DHS lunch wave schedule change met with a positive response

By Mekhi Wright '23 In May of last year, Connecticut decided to extend all teacher’s lunches to 30 minutes, which gives DHS teachers and students an extra 10 minutes of uninterrupted lunch. The state made it a legal requirement because a more extended lunch period acts as mental health support for teachers challenged by the … Continue reading DHS lunch wave schedule change met with a positive response

Latin HeartBeat Orchestra performs for DHS in first cultural assembly of the year

Photo by Azariah Smith '23: Lamont Jefferson '23 performing along with the Latin HeartBeat Orchestra. By Azariah Smith '23 On Sept. 15, 2022, DHS started off Hispanic Heritage Month with salsa dancing and the Latin HeartBeat Orchestra.  The DHS auditorium was filled with approximately 350 students. The students were excited since it was the first … Continue reading Latin HeartBeat Orchestra performs for DHS in first cultural assembly of the year